Nicolas Gutowski

Associate Professor
Computer Science
IUT of Angers - University of Angers (France)
Member of the LERIA laboratory


See Google Scholar


  1. MidiTok: A Python Package for MIDI File Tokenization. (N. Fradet, J.P. Briot, F. Chhel, A.El Fallah-Seghrouchni, N. Gutowski). 2021. International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR). Online. arXiv preprint.
  2. Bandit Algorithms for Multicriteria Top-K Recommendations.(A. Letard, N. Gutowski, O. Camp, T.Amghar). Submitted to Expert Systems With Applications journal (Elsevier). 07/2023. SSRN preprint.
  3. Byte Pair Encoding for Symbolic Music. (N. Fradet, N. Gutowski, F. Chhel, J.P. Briot). 2023. arXiv preprint.
  4. Partial Bandit and Semi-Bandit: Making the Most Out of Scarce Users' Feedback (Alexandre Letard, Tassadit Amghar, Olivier Camp, Nicolas Gutowski). 2020. arXiv preprint.

Published journal papers

  1. Bandit algorithms: A comprehensive review and their dynamic selection from a portfolio for multicriteria top-k recommendation. (A. Letard, N. Gutowski, O. Camp, T.Amghar). 2024. Expert Systems With Applications journal (Elsevier). Link to the article.
  2. A novel multi-objective medical feature selection compass method for binary classification. (N. Gutowski, D. Schang, O. Camp, P. Abraham). 2022. Artifical Intelligence in Medicine journal (Elsevier). Link to the article. Source Code.
  3. Gorthaur-EXP3: Bandit-based selection from a portfolio of recommendation algorithms balancing the accuracy-diversity dilemma. (N. Gutowski, T. Amghar, O. Camp, F. Chhel). 2021. Journal of Information Sciences (Elsevier). Link to the article.
  4. A Framework for Context-Aware Service Recommendation for Mobile Users: A Focus on Mobility in Smart Cities (Nicolas Gutowski, Tassadit Amghar, Olivier Camp, Slimane Hammoudi). 2017. ISTE UK journal, openscience. pdf .

Book Chapter

Mobility and Prediction: an Asset for Crisis Management (Nicolas Gutowski, Tassadit Amghar, Olivier Camp, Slimane Hammoudi). 2018. How Information Systems Can Help in Alarm/Alert Detection, Pages 33-53. Editor Elsevier. Link to the chapter

Conference papers

  1. Bayesian Approach for Parameter Estimation in Vehicle Lateral Dynamics. (F. Lionti, N. Gutowski, S. Aubin, P. Martinet). 2024. Link to the article
  2. Byte Pair Encoding for Symbolic Music. (N. Fradet, N. Gutowski, F. Chhel, J.P. Briot). 2023. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Link to the article
  3. Impact of time and note duration tokenizations on deep learning symbolic music modeling (N. Fradet, N. Gutowski, F. Chhel, J.P. Briot). 2023. International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR). Link to the article
  4. COM-MABs: From Users' Feedback to Recommendation. (A. Letard, T. Amghar, O. Camp, N. Gutowski). 2022. Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS). Link to the article
  5. MidiTok: A Python Package for MIDI File Tokenization. (N. Fradet, J.P. Briot, F. Chhel, A.El Fallah-Seghrouchni, N. Gutowski). 2021. International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR). Online. Link to the article
  6. Partial Bandit and Semi-Bandit: Making the Most Out of Scarce Users' Feedback (A.Letard, T. Amghar, O. Camp, F. Chhel, N. Gutowski). 2020. International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI). Baltimore, USA. Link to the article
  7. Gorthaur: A portfolio approach for dynamic selection of multi-armed bandit algorithms for recommendation (N. Gutowski, T. Amghar, O. Camp, F. Chhel). 2019. International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI). Portland, USA. Link to the article
  8. Improving bandit-based recommendations with spatial context reasoning: An online evaluation (N. Gutowski, T. Amghar, O. Camp, F. Chhel). 2019. International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI). Portland, USA. Link to the article
  9. Using individual accuracy to create context for non-contextual multi-armed bandit problems (N. Gutowski, T. Amghar, O. Camp, F. Chhel). 2019. International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF). Danang, Vietnam. Link to the article
  10. Global versus individual accuracy in contextual multi-armed bandit (N. Gutowski, T. Amghar, O. Camp, F. Chhel). 2019. Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP symposium on applied computing, 1647-1654. Limassol, Cyprus. Link to the article .
  11. Context enhancement for linear contextual multi-armed bandits (N. Gutowski, T. Amghar, O. Camp, F. Chhel). 2018. International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI). Volos, Greece. Link to the article
  12. Measuring the Energy Consumption of Massive Data Insertions: an energy consumption assessment of the PL/SQL FOR LOOP and FORALL methods (N. Gutowski, O. Camp, E. Chauveau). 2017. Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom). Exeter, UK. Link to the article


  1. Déduction de quartiers à partir des connexions au Wifi Urbain. (N. Gutowski, O. Camp, P. Albers, T. Amghar, F. Chhel, S. Hammoudi, G. Paller). 2018. SAGEO’2018 EXCES workshop (french conference) - Montpellier, France
  2. Recommandation et Visualisation dans les Villes Intelligentes : Projet EVENT-AI (N. Gutowski, T. Amghar, O. Camp, S. Hammoudi). 2018. Inforsid workshop (french conference) - Nantes, France
  3. Multi-Armed Bandits for Recommender Systems : A True Story of Accuracy (N. Gutowski, T. Amghar, O. Camp, F. Chhel). 2018. REVEAL workshop of RecSys conference - Vancouver, Canada
  4. Bandits-Manchots Contextuels : Précision Globale Versus Individuelle (N. Gutowski, T. Amghar, O. Camp, F. Chhel). 2018. PFIA workshop (french conference) - Nancy, France
  5. Mobility and Contextualized Profils. (N. Gutowski, T. Amghar, O. Camp, F. Chhel). 2017. AfIA and MADICS workshop (french research groups and associations) - Lyon, France


Context-aware recommendation systems for cultural events recommendation in Smart Cities. (pdf ), supervised by Dr. Tassadit Amghar and Dr. Olivier Camp.

Invited talks

  1. Unmasking AI: Concrete Use Cases. Angers Technopole / Diva Tech. Angers. October 2023. Link to the event announcement
  2. Discover the realm of AI. Angers Technopole / Diva Tech. Angers. April 2023. Link to the event announcement
  3. Biases in Recommendation Systems (N. Gutowski). SFR Math-STIC and Confluences. Angers. March 2022.
  4. Recommendation Systems (N. Gutowski). SFR Math-STIC. Angers. February 2022.
  5. Multi-Armed Bandit based Recommendation Systems (N. Gutowski). SFR Math-STIC. Angers. October 2019.

Ph.D supervision

  1. Derin Ozer (graduate of Polytech Angers, PhD started Oct. 2023, co-supervised with Pr. Sylvian Lamprier and Dr. Benoit Da Mota). "Generation of graphical structures through deep reinforcement learning: application to molecular chemistry".
  2. Fabien Lionti (Agence Innovation Défesne - AID PhD, graduate of the Paris-Saclay University and ESME Computer Engineering school of Bordeaux, PhD started Oct. 2022, co-supervised with Pr. Philippe Martinet and Direction Générale de l'Armement Dr. Sébastien Aubin). "Dynamic behavior assessment based on artificial intelligence: Application to the safety analysis of the dynamic behavior of a vehicle."
  3. Nathan Fraday (CIFRE PhD with Aubay, graduate of the ESEO Computer Engineering school of Angers, PhD started Apr. 2021, co-supervised with Pr. Jean-Pierre Briot and Pr. Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni). "Deep Learning for Conditioned Multi-track Symbolic Music Generation". PhD defence : 03-14-2024
  4. Alexandre Letard (CIFRE PhD with Kara Technology, graduate of the ESEO Computer Engineering school of Angers, PhD started Feb. 2020, co-supervised with Dr. Tassadit Amghar and Dr. Olivier Camp). "Multi-criteria machine learning system guided by user needs". PhD obtained: 05-23-2023


  • EVENT-AI. Cultural Events Recommendation based on AI. 2018. Atlanstic.
  • G-GENOCOD project coordinator since 01/2024. Recipient of the Étoiles Montantes program from the Pays de la Loire Region, receiving funding as a laureate.


  • CISCO Network. Bachelor of Network and Telecom.
  • Routing (Network). Bachelor of Network and Telecom.
  • Huawei Network. Bachelor of Network and Telecom.
  • Cybersecurity, pentesting. Bachelor of Network and Telecom.
  • Networks and industrial networks. Bachelor of Technology 2 (Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing)
  • Database. Bachelor of Technology 3 (Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing)
  • Project Management. Bachelor of Technology 1 (Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing) and Licence 3 Pro. Network and Telecom.
  • Green IT. Licence 3 Pro. Network and Telecom.
  • Multi-Armed Bandits: Theory and Applications. Doctoral School. Mathematics and Computer Science

Administrative responsibility

Programme Director in Electronics & Embedded Systems for the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing Department (IUT of Angers / University of Angers) - 2022-2024.

Short CV and previous activities

  • CV (french)
  • Short bio:
  • Nicolas Gutowski holds an associate professor position in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing of the IUT of Angers (University of Angers, France) since 2020. He is a member of the LERIA Laboratory (Angers Computer Science Lab). Before this position, Nicolas Gutowski started working as engineer in IT Services & Software Engineering companies in Paris from 2006 to 2010. Then for the year 2010-2011, he became part-time lecturer in four different universities: Angers, Poitiers, La Rochelle, and Rouen. After this short period, Nicolas worked as lecturer and head of computer engineering department in the ESAIP school of engineers (Angers, France) from 2011 to 2016. Then, Nicolas held a position of lecturer in the computer engineering school ESEO (Angers, France) from 2016 to 2019 where he prepared a PhD in parallel of its lecturing activities. He received his PhD degree in Computer Science (Reinforcement Learning and Recommendation Systems topics) in 2019 from the University of Angers, supervised by Dr. Tassadit Amghar and Dr. Olivier Camp. He continued as an associate professor for almost a year (2019-2020) in the same school (ESEO) before joining University of Angers in september 2020.

Postal mail: IUT d'Angers (Office A2-05), 4 bd Lavoisier, 49016 Angers CEDEX 01, France
e-mail address and phone number: nicolas DOT gutowski AT univ-angers DOT fr / (+33)2 44 68 87 44

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